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On 12 October 2022, Mr. Sheriza Zakaria, CEO of Big Dataworks, was invited to be one of the guest speakers at the Malaysia Digital Week (MDW) 2022. The conference was held at The Vertical @ Bangsar South, Kuala Lumpur.

MDW 2022 is a national strategic initiative by the Malaysian Government via the global digital revolution and digital economy conference. This hybrid conference featured a 2-days anchor event, and a series of satellite events by Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC)'s partners at various locations in Malaysia.

Mr. Sheriza shared his insights during the ‘Is Malaysia ready to be a data-driven nation?’ session along with the other two panellists from TM R&D Sdn Bhd and the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia. The panellists highlighted that Malaysia would help promote cross-sectoral data sharing between organisations in various sectors to drive digital transformation. In the current crisis of COVID-19, Malaysia has developed data-sharing platforms that allow researchers to share data on COVID-19. On the other hand, in the business world, data is important for Malaysians in providing insights to help businesses and the government achieve their goals.

Malaysians and organisations must be exposed to the policies and technical details and need to work with private sectors to close the gaps. With these initiatives, they can learn data monetization, sharing agreements, and security.

Big Dataworks will work closely with MDEC to roll out key digital initiatives announced in MYDIGITAL through three strategic thrusts – empowering Digitally Skilled Malaysians, accelerating Digitally-Powered Businesses, and attracting Digital Investments.

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