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KUALA LUMPUR, AUG 2022 - Big Dataworks (BDW) organised a visit for a delegation from Russia on 18 - 19 July 2022, welcoming two delegates from the leader among SaaS providers in Russia: Kontur. The delegation was led by Eugeniya Popova, International Business Director, and Ivan Golov, CTO, International Business Department of Kontur, Russia.

The delegates sought to explore Malaysia's success in digital services, discuss the prospects of establishing potential business partnerships, and foster a great understanding of Malaysia's business opportunities, in addition to exchanging knowledge and expertise.

Big Dataworks' representative made significant efforts that paved the way for the visit; BDW has brought Kontur to visit POS Digicert in Cyberiava to explore their products and services. The session includes Hali Amir Suhaimi bin Hassan, Chief Operation Officer (COO), Jumairie Ismadi bin Jamil, Director of Commercial & Strategy, and HODs from POS Digicert.

The delegation held other meetings with the representatives from Puncak Semangat Group (PSG) companies, Commerce Dot Com (CDC), Commerce Dot Com International (CDCi), and Puncak Tegap Sdn Bhd (PTSB) to discuss opportunities for establishing partnerships and collaborations.

Sheriza Zakaria, Chief Executive Officer of Big Dataworks, stressed the importance of partnerships and collaboration efforts, highlighting Malaysia’s competitive advantages to digital start-ups looking to expand into a global market. He added that this visit successfully introduced the delegation to the competitive advantages and national strategic initiative of Malaysia’s digital economy.

Eugeniva Popova, the International Business Director of Kontur, said, “The experience of this business site visit allowed us to explore and understand the digital technologies that drive a new level of growth in Malaysia. We have also benefited from our meetings with POS Digicert and PSG companies to discuss opportunities for collaboration in the Malaysian market. We will work closely with Big Dataworks to turn these meetings and discussions into productive business opportunities.”


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