Big Dataworks Sees 'Incredible Potential' for Business in Sarawak
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - 8th July 2022

On June 2022, Big Dataworks was invited to attend the YSEALI Digital Connectivity Regional Workshop in Sarawak, Malaysia. Over 100 participants attended the three-day workshop to learn together and collaborate to tackle digital connectivity challenges and find solutions
to bridge the digital divide within their communities. Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Sheriza Zakaria was appointed to be one of the keynote speakers during the workshop. In that session, he spoke on how Big Dataworks adopted digitalization in business and had the chance to share the success stories of MYDATA-SSM.

On the second day, Big Dataworks was given another opportunity to present the success stories of Private Public Partnership (PPP) with SSM to Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation (SDEC). The session was attended by the CEO of SDEC, Mr. Sudarnoto Osman, and was presented by BDW CEO, Mr. Sheriza Zakaria. During the discussion, SEC has put interest in developing Big Dataworks in the Supply of Business Information in Sarawak. Also attended during the presentation En Faiz Azman, Vice President Engagement & En Shukri Ahmad, Senior Manager Sales & Account Management of BDW.
